
How to participate: ​
1. Create your challenge. Hike, bike, jump rope, you name it... it's fair game. We're hoping you'll challenge yourselves the way hunger challenges so many. You can challenge yourself daily, weekly or just on May 28th - World Hunger Day.
2. Start talking about it. Tell people what your doing. Tell them you're trying to help end childhood hunger. Tell them all kids deserve consistent food and you are willing to challenge yourself to make that happen.
3. Ask for support. $5 feeds a child at Smart Bellies for the weekend. $200 buys all 400 of our kids a fresh produce item for a week. $1500 funds our classroom snack program for a month. Have your donors use this link: https://donorbox.org/world-hunger-day. They must put in your name for you to get credit!
4. Complete your challenge and post about it. Post a picture on your favorite platform of you completing your World Hunger Day Challenge #smartbellies.
Register below to get started.